Effects of Assistive Robot Behavior on Impressions of Patient Psychological Attributes: Vignette-Based Human-Robot Interaction Study


Journal: Journal of medical Internet research
Publisher: JMIR Publications Inc., Toronto, Canada
Volume: 21
Pages: e13729

Meia Chita-Tegmark and Janet M Ackerman and Matthias Scheutz

In this paper we show that the language used by assistive robot (person-centric vs. task-centric) can influence how other people perceive the assisted person, as more or less intelligent, disciplined, competent etc.

  title={Effects of Assistive Robot Behavior on Impressions of Patient Psychological Attributes: Vignette-Based Human-Robot Interaction Study},
  author={Meia Chita-Tegmark and Janet M Ackerman and Matthias Scheutz},
  journal={Journal of medical Internet research},
  publisher={JMIR Publications Inc., Toronto, Canada},