Do We Need Emotionally Intelligent Articial Agents? First Results of Human Perceptions of Emotional Intelligence in Humans Compared to Robots


Conference: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents

Lisa Fan and Matthias Scheutz and Monika Lohani and Marissa McCoy and Charlene Stokes

Humans are very apt at reading emotional signals in other humans and even artificial agents, which raises the question of whether artificial agents need to be emotionally intelligent to ensure effective social interactions. For artificial agents without emotional intelligence might generate behavior that is misinterpreted, unexpected, and confusing to humans, violating human expectations and possibly causing emotional harm.

  title={Do We Need Emotionally Intelligent Articial Agents? First Results of Human Perceptions of Emotional Intelligence in Humans Compared to Robots},
  author={Lisa Fan and Matthias Scheutz and Monika Lohani and Marissa McCoy and Charlene Stokes},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents},