Human behavior is frequently guided by social and moral norms, and no human community can exist without norms. Robots that enter human societies must therefore behave in norm-conforming ways as well. However, currently there is no solid cognitive or computational model available of how human norms are represented, activated, and learned. We provide a conceptual and psychological analysis of key properties of human norms and identify the demands these properties put on any artificial agent that incorporates norms-demands on the format of norm representations, their structured organization, and their learning algorithms.
@inproceedings{malleetal19aies, title={Requirements for an Artificial Agent with Norm Competence}, author={Malle, Bertram F. and Bello, Paul and Scheutz, Matthias}, year={2019}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2019 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics and Society}, pages={21--27} url={} doi={10.1145/3306618.3314252} }